Our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone, businesses and individuals, who have already been or will be affected by the unprecedented event of the coronavirus. We appreciate the dedication of healthcare workers, local communities, and others who are on the front line working to contain the virus.
We wanted to inform you of what we are doing to ensure the safety and health of our clients and our staff.
- On behalf of team HK, we would like to reassure you during this difficult time that we are following the latest Government advice in reference to COVID-19. Our office is still open for the foreseeable future and our normal working hours apply, however, the most vulnerable of our staff will be working remotely during this time.
- Our office remains open, but we encourage you to use alternatives to in-person meetings for delivering information or communicating with us, where possible. On visiting our offices, we will request you wash your hands prior to the meeting.
Employee wellbeing is a top priority. We are encouraging team members to follow health authority best practices like frequent hand washing and staying home if they are feeling ill.
Where possible, we will replace on-site visits with providing services virtually.
We do not see our remote working or current office situation stopping us from continuing and completing your project and/or work. We will still be operating as normal until we advise you otherwise.
Due to the nature of our work we are lucky and able to work remotely whilst still delivering the high level of service we provide normally on a day to day basis from our office.
- Our firm has a flexible work arrangement and culture, and we are well-prepared to serve you virtually, should there be a requirement to close the office, subject to the wellbeing of our staff.